Semicon West 2018.: Beyond Smart

Working for a global business isn’t very difficult these days. However working for a business that operates in key production markets puts me in an incredibly privileged position. I get to go and represent狗万正网地址牛津仪器等离子体技术at some of the best conferences and tradeshows in the world. Last week was a great example of this as I was lucky enough to spend a week amongst some of the most influential people of the semiconductor world atSemicon West 2018.

And what a week it was! ‘Beyond Smart’ was the meeting tagline and the theme was how technology is driving connectivity, communication and AI to enable functionality that was never dreamt of years before. Smart factories, Smart automobiles and Smart Energy will have a huge impact on how we live and interact with people and the world.

给我印象最重要的就是技术will deliver so many unexpected benefits and it got me thinking about driverless cars. I believe driverless technology will happen, not IF but WHEN. Opponents may argue that there will be strong reluctance to hand over control to a machine but I think it is inevitable. The level of sensing and feedback within cars will grow massively in the coming years. Drivers will come to rely on this more and more until it becomes almost ridiculous not to use the AI. Add a few more incentives, insurers for example offering reduced premiums for AI cars or highways having fast track lanes. Finally, changes in legislation for example in the future a city like Tokyo may require driverless cars within its boundaries to ease traffic congestion. You then reach a tipping point where driverless tech just makes sense.

所以这是一辆商定的无人驾驶汽车正在发生,但它们将如何影响我们的生活?想象一下,当你的汽车不必围绕司机时,内部是什么样的?只要这是安全的,你能用你提供的时间而不是开车?桌子,床,在汽车娱乐中都开始看起来令人兴奋。通勤不是一种负担;它是您在生活空间中花费的时间的延伸,这适合您的要求。好的,进一步迈出一步,我星期五下班回家,拿起家庭和我们去海岸周末。现在休息开始,当我们踏入我们的无人驾驶汽车时,我们可以睡觉,吃或在那里娱乐,从一开始就开始。然后2小时后我们抵达海边,并不厌倦了从旅途中厌倦但放宽,并期待着整个周末前来。我们可以充分利用每小时的每小时,因为我们不用担心驱动器回家,这是为了照顾。 So driverless cars will reduce stress and widen horizons, a fantastic thought.



I look forward to next year’s Semicon West to see how new technology is inspiring people to create new ways of living and how Oxford Instruments can help achieve those dreams.

作者:Mark Dineen博士
