
The Proteox™ Family

ThePROTEOX.™ dilution refrigeratorenables a step change in Cryofree® system modularity - designed for enhanced adaptability, reliability and increased experimental capacity.


Future-Proof Investment
Fully cross-compatible and upgradeable Secondary Inserts can be exchanged between current (ProteoxMX or ProteoxLX) and future systems in the Proteox family.

Greater Control
Patented gas gap heat switch technology is leveraged to provide active control

Extensive Experimental Volume
Large diameter mixing chamber plate, combined with increased spacing.

Unlock New Applications
Increased capacity for components, experimental
services and sample mounting to facilitate qubit
scale-up and QIP applications.

Reliability and Convenience
New gas handling system delivers increased reliability and longer service intervals. This is combined with a new, powerful software control system.

Fast, Tuneable Cool Down
与我们的底部装载技术相结合时,它可以从300 k快速冷却样品冰球。

High Input/Output Capability
Enables high input/output applications through abundant line-of-sight (LOS) access.

在全场的独立控制超过30 k的磁体,恢复到基础温度。


  • Remote access through a web-based, platform-independent
  • Automation routines for one button operation
  • Full manual control and programmable API interface for
    custom routines
  • 强大的数据讯问and visualisation package with live plotting.
  • 逐步向导,用于指导手动进程。


    • Fully redeveloped gas handling system to ensure the minimum
      number of connections and o-ring seals
    • Cross-braced stiffened frame that minimises vibration
    • Modular, upgradable platform with cross-compatible magnet systems.

      Flexible Wiring

      • 24-way twisted-pair DC looms with copper, constantan or NbTi conductors
      • Flexible coaxial (S1) wiring for use up to 500 MHz
      • Single-mode and multi-mode optical fibres
      • Thermo-coaxes for effective filtering of high-frequency noise
      • Low-impedance looms suitable for nano-positioning piezo devices.


      • UT34和UT85与SMA或SK连接器的同轴电缆,用于18 GHz或40 GHz带宽操作
      • 亚麻导体范围包括不锈钢,山丘和NBTI
      • Heat sinking using bulkhead connectors at all experimental plates with optional 0 dB attenuators for efficient conductor thermalisation.


      Attenuators can be selected per line and per plate; 0 dB attenuators for conductor thermalisation; 3 dB, 6 dB, 10 dB and 20 dB attenuators.

      Low Pass Filters

      Low-pass multi-stage filters can be mounted for use at temperatures to below 100 mK.

      • 4 cut-off frequencies available between 170 Hz and 110 kHz.
      • 带射频垫圈的镀金铜底盘为过滤器PCB提供筛选和热倾倒。

      Sample pucks for rapid exchange

      Our patented, market leading sample loading mechanism allows for fast and easy sample exchange, without the need to warm the
      entire system to room temperature:

      • 装载样品冰球需要不到15分钟,系统会自动冷却返回基础温度
      • Up to 28 RF and 96 DC connections on a single sample puck
      • 由于不同的实验可以在多个样品冰球中制备以来的多用户设施的理想解决方案
      • Patentedloading concept allows for safe and easy operation.

      SampleProtect system secures against ESD

      SampleProtect enables grounding or bias of samples during sample exchange to safeguard your experiments. It provides users with a method of protecting sensitive samples from accidental electrostatic discharge (ESD).

      • High quality, fully earthed cables for low level signals:
        High attenuation shielding
      • Low cross-talk

      BNC or Twinax option.
      24 connectors and 12 twisted pairs.


        Customised Magnets
        Beyond standard offering, our in-house team can design bespoke magnets to meet your experimental needs. Full FEA and electromagnet modelling capabilities ensure the integration of the magnet to the system is robust in terms of both magnet and system performance.

        Solenoid Magnets
        场强范围从1 T到14 T.

        Vector Rotate Magnets
        Three axis vector magnets with a vertical field up to 9 T and a horizontal field up to 3 T.

        Active Field Cancellation
        Active magnetic field cancellation available for magnets up to 14 T.

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