Part of the Oxford Instruments Group

Imaris 8.2 Release Notes

Welcome to the Imaris 8.2 release notes. Please have a look to theoverview of Imaris Release notesfor information about prior released features and fixed bugs.

Version Date: December 16, 2015

Lineage Tracking Algorithm

Imaris8.2 has a lineage tracking algorithm that allows to track dividing cells. The lineage tracking algorithm is available on the tracking tab of Spots, Surfaces, Cells or Filaments.

The screenshot below shows spots tracked with the lineage tracking algorithm and colored by “TrackID”. Spots with the same color descend from the same mother cell.

Track Editor with Lineage Tree Visualization and Statistics Display

To complement the lineage tracking functionality Imaris8.2 has a new track editor that displays tracks as “lineage tree” in such a way that the number of intersections in the display is minimal (often zero).

The track editor provides useful functionally to manually edit tracks using "connect" and "disconnect" and to arrange the lineage tree in different ways by moving tracks left or right or flipping the orientation of branches. The new track editor has the functionality to overlay colors on the tracks. This can be used to display any statistical measurement value as a color on the tracks. It enables for example a display of the intensity of a second channel for each tracked object.

“对象标签”feature described in the next section can be used to highlight certain parts of a lineage tree as shown in this figure:

Object Labeling for Coloring and Statistics Export

Users can add labels to 3D objects such as spots, surfaces, cells, vesicles, etc. The labels can be used to color code objects. They are also added to the statistics of each object as a factor that appears in the statistics tables and export. In the screenshot below the blue objects have been labeled as “Fast” and the orange objects have been labeled as “Slow”. The colors are used for rendering in the 3D view. The label names are displayed in the statistics.


与并行快速FileSave gzip压缩

Saving files in version 8.2 is significantly faster (up to a factor of 5) than previous versions due to multithreaded gzip compression of image data. This applies to both Imaris and ImarisFileConverter.

Time Slider Displays Frame Number

ObjectIDs remain unchanged during edit and delete

The objectIDs that Imaris assigns to spots, surfaces, cells, nuclei and vesicles do not change when an object is deleted or added or the whole container is copied. As a consequence of this the IDs no longer necessarily span an entire range of numbers. Suppose you have 4 spots with IDs 1,2,3,4 and you delete the one with ID 2, then the remaining IDs are 1,3,4.


There is a new function “GetIds” which returns the ObjectIDs used in statistics.

Fixed Bugs

Fixed 65 Bugs in Imaris 8.2.0
9120 Filament 'Pt Total Number of Points' statistic is 0 on re-loading a dataset
9080 Ids of statistics are always -1 (Mac only)
9060 Imaris should attempt to start the DataService when opened
9056 Trying to open a file on a remote server which no longer exists will lead to an infinite loop requesting for credentials
8990 'Migrate Storage Location' fails with error message "Invalid input string"
8988 Available color options for Tracks change if you switch to Settings tab and go back to Color tab
8987 If the file resulting from a batch run is too long for the operating system then batch will fail
8955 Store remote image directly from Surpass does not prompt for credentials
8936 Python not functioning in osx 10.11
8918 Crash when deleting cell
8893 Crash when opening image with batch results but no license to view results
8892 Cell Cytoplasm Number of Vesicles should be unitless
8887 If the first file added for a remote location is not present Imaris cannot add additional files from this location
8883 Export function does not allow to overwrite existing file
8869 Numbering for channel indexes in Cells/Nuclei do not agree with Vesicles in creation parameters
8862 Fileconverter 8.1.2 adds blank time frame to sequence when converting ZVI file
8859 No result from saving Coloc Histogram
8845 export results from batch statistics fails if group folder has a colon
8830 Arena shortcuts to add 'Group' and 'Image' items are not working
8820 Statistics search crashes Imaris when searching for Track ID
8817 Search with no folder currently selected in Arena will cause a crash
8811 Altered Keyframe Animation is not saved by 'Store'
8789 Timebar lost upon toggling Full screen mode
8786 Annotations cannot be placed within the image
8778 Cells creation parameters are not displayed correctly from preferences dialog
8766 Manual Filament Autopath Crash after Cancel
8764 Increase the size of Imaris admin popup
8763 Moving DataStorage with ImarisAdmin to Remote location leads to unavailable images
8760 Path to "Python 2.7 application" does not allow spaces
8758 Double clicking image to open in Arena view is not possible if the properties tab is not visible
8751 Add Channel, Add Time Points and Add Slices cause a crash when multiple files are selected
8750 Evaluation dialog shows ugly formatting and OS's that are no longer supported
8749 Arena => Zoom drop down is to narrow and not full text is visible
8747 Changing default values in ImarisAdmin should propogate c...
8733 Arena's Search doesn't work if there's a space in the name
8709 No Tracks are selected when on the Filter tab with no filters added
8706 subsequent "Store" does not "save" delete channels.
8704 No error message when unsupported file opened in Surpass
8698 Shift + cmd + p shows Annotation tab in Arena view
8687 Remove QTVR options from Animation Export Window
8681 Delete a Cell with Nuclei from Selection filter causes Crash
8676 If the store of Arena fails during Migration the user should be notified
8673 Cancel button not accessible during Arena Store
8672 Currently selected channel for popups under Image Processing selection should be clearer
8662 Imaris crashes when deleting an object referenced in a Vantage plot
8635 AVI RAW export (via "Save As...") is not really a "RAW" format
8580 Settings ignored when adding Image to Arena view
8559 LSMExcitation and LSMEmission values no longer read for some files in which Imaris could previously read this value
8489 Statistics calculation in Wizard in endless loop or crashes if no statistics selected
8446 For some ND2 the z calibration is not read in correctly
8434 Tiff reader from within Arena ignores settings
8391 Resample settings ignored in Add Time Points
8355 After store of Vantage parameters, creation tab shows creation parameters from surpass view
8305 Imaris will crash when user is doing manual tracking with Spot and Dragon tail is activated
8303 Surpass Image Store accepts any remote credentials for the first image
8124 Preferences Dialog crashes when only Vantage license is enabled
8121 Last Timepoints not saved for Animation or TimeMovie
8049 Default size of the preferences area should be smaller
7847 Spot to Spot Closest Distance Xtension has not sufficient memory to work on a customer dataset
7691 ims file with broken Filament segment cannot be opened in 7.7.0 or newer versions but can be in 7.6.5
7654 Some ZVI files which open correctly in Windows cannot be opened on Mac
7632 Imaris crashes when setting spot time index to large value
7250 ZVI Tiled time series can not be opened in Imaris
7247 Cannot save (overwrite) IMS-file after crop time
7236 Auto-Connect does not connect the last time point
7002 Imaris XT "Project to 2D" fail with files larger than 2000 pixels

Imaris 8.2.1

Fixed 2 Bugs (since Imaris 8.2.0)
8783 Timestamps from LIF files not read correctly (from new LAX software)
9324 License issues with Imaris 8.2.0 Track vs. LineageTrack
9328 When RecordingDate value for Leica files is not present Imaris uses '-4713-11-24 00:00:00.000'