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神经科学is a multidisciplinary branch of science focused on the study of the nervous system and how the brain works. The field studies nervous system functions, brain function and the related structures such as the spinal cord. It combines anatomy, physiology, cytology, molecular biology, developmental biology and modelling in order to understand neurons and neuronal circuits. As neuroscientists often balance on the cutting edge of science, they require sophisticated methods such as fluorescence labelling, optogenetics, photostimulation and state of the art image analysis. Learn about Andor and Imaris solutions for neuroscientists.



For years glial cells were presumed to have housekeeping functions that only nourished, protected and swept up after the neurons, whose role seemed more obvious. Over the last couple of decades, research into glia (consisting of microglia, astrocytes, and oligodendrocyte lineage cells) has increased dramatically, which revealed their involvement in numerous supportive but essential functions, such as supplying in nutrients and oxygen, destroying pathogens and that they even play a role in neurotransmission. Although many aspects of these cells are well characterized nowadays, the functions of the different glial populations in the brain in health and disease remain unresolved.

使用快速共聚焦纺丝盘显微镜(如)在体内倒注成像或功能钙成像蜻蜓是在各种条件下监测胶质细胞和神经元的重要技术。Optimetics设备喜欢马赛克可用于操纵胶质细胞功能。用3D图像分析软件分析微胶质细胞的数量,形状和其他特征 -神经科学家的imaris.


Axonal Transport






Imaging brain slices using蜻蜓旋转磁盘共聚焦配备大型FOV Scmos相机,直接拼接在融合中的显微镜瓷砖(imaris stitcher.算法)在分辨率和成像样品的大小之间提供完美的平衡。神经科学家的imaris.图像分析软件其余部分:从数据可视化,通过计数到神经元跟踪。

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Optimetics. a biological technique, which allows for very precise control, modulation and activity monitoring of individual genetically modified neurons using light. The key players are neuronal ion channels, genetically modified with opsin genes, which act as “light sensors”. It is possible to use light to open the ion channels of a single neuron and fire the electrical signal. There are many supporting technologies that have helped enable this technique to become established: delivering specific wavelengths of light to opsin expressing cells with precise timing, controlling illumination through devices such as马赛克, 尽管SCOS.camerasare often the most suitable detector solution for these experiments, e.g. when high frame rates required for calcium imaging.




Instead of increasing the optical resolution of the microscope, Expansion Microscopy "expands" the sample isotopically. Different steps of the expansion protocol cause loss of the fluorescence signal so imaging expanded samples requires an instrument that is sensitive enough to detect low light signals. Other challenge is imaging a very large field of view and imaging deep into the sample. These requirements are problematic and difficult to achieve with conventional microscopes. Andor recommends the蜻蜓共聚焦配备了IXON Ultra 888后照明EMCCD, 或者Zyla 4.2P Scmos.具有优化针孔间距的摄像机,用于深入成像到样品中,并在侧面的尺寸范围内进行均匀照明。

可以使用大型数据块直接拼接在系统上imaris stitcher.算法和打开神经科学家的imaris.用于数据可视化和分析,包括神经元和脊柱检测。



钙(Ca2 +)是一种重要的离子,其可以用作从肌肉细胞(肌细胞)到神经元和许多其他细胞活性的快速指标。钙指标(CA2 +指标)继续提供对细胞生物学的基础知识的洞察力,并且例如细胞在不同疾病状态下如何应对,或者响应治疗药物。为了使细胞生理最准确的测定应使用最低的照明强度和最低可能的指示染料浓度。这在低光子排放中固有导致敏感探测器非常重要。有两种主要的相机技术用于CA2 +成像实验 - SCMOS和EMCCD。一般来说,SCMOS相机尤其是andor zyla have been the most widely used for Ca2+ imaging experiments. The new



