Part of the Oxford Instruments Group

Learn More About FOV (Field of View) and Field of Illumination

在这里我们定义视野(FOV)通过探测器尺寸和显微镜目标,和照明领域(FOI)relative to the detector and in the image plane.

In a microscope system, the camera is coupled via a C-mount adapter and located in a primary image plane (PIP). The PIP is our reference for the definition of FOV and FOI.


As mentioned above, it is common to match FOV and FOI, but with active illumination other factors such as Power Density (PD) or Resolution may also be important considerations.Mosaic配备2倍变焦激光准直器,以便您可以为PD交易FOI。

在dominat荧光显微镜的分辨率ed by the objective lens which both illuminates and images the specimen. The objective numerical aperture (NA) and the wavelength of detected light (?) define Resolution, RXY by the Raleigh criterion as follows:

rxy = 0.61 *?/ na;

在下面的表格中,Rxy计算了一系列物镜?= 500 nm。

倍率(浸渍介质) 数值孔径 Rxy(μm)
20 (air) 0.6 0.51
40(空中) 0.8 0.38
40 (WI) 1.0 0.30
60(WI) 1.1 0.28
60(油) 1.4 0.22
100(油) 1.4 0.22

1/RXY is a good approximation of the maximum spatial frequency in the image. To capture all information in the image (e.g. with a CCD detector) we must sample at frequency F to avoid “aliasing errors”. This is known as theNyquist criterion

Sampling frequency, F = 2/(RXY)


2 * Px = MO * RXY

根据申请要求,使用100倍的客观镜头可能或可能不需要奈奎斯特,我们看到NEO,CLARA,IXON3 885和LUCA R都能够实现奈奎斯特标准:2 * PX =22μm。虽然在60x 1.4 na,只有neo和clara可以提供足够小的像素。



SXY = 1.22 ?f/D; f = focal length of objective,

D is beam diameter.


倍率(浸渍介质) 数值孔径 SXY (µm)
20 (air) 0.6 1.02
40(空中) 0.8 0.76
40 (WI) 1.0 0.6
60(WI) 1.1 0.56
60(油) 1.4 0.44
100(油) 1.4 0.40

The table above shows the approximate theoretical smallest spot sizes for a perfect microscope.

Power density, PD in the specimen plane is estimated from the ratio of beam power and area


PDS = PDD * MO2 * T(?)

Channelrhodopsin2 (ChRh2) is a light activated cation channel which can be expressed in neurons and used to control behavior in host organisms, including mice, c. elegans and drosophila. Stimulation with blue light (~470 nm), the power density, for photo-activation of ChRh2 is in the range 0.1-10 mW mm-2 and has a wide dynamic range.


Date:N / A.


类别:Technical Article

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