Part of the Oxford Instruments Group

Polymer Science Research with Asylum Cypher AFMs


Atomic force microscopy (AFM) is uniquely suited to the expansive demands of polymer science research. It enables a quantitative assessment of a polymer sample’s macromolecular or nanomechanical properties, high-resolution measurement of surface morphology and roughness analysis, and quantitative mapping of mechanical properties like modulus at the nanoscale.

这些能力随着缩小的AFMS的推出而彻底改变,并通过每一代新一代仪器进行了优化。该博客文章将探索Cypher ES Polyment Edition AFM,该AFM已被配置为超越任何其他AFM系统的高分子科学研究。

Cypher ES Polymer Edition

Cypher ES聚合物版是世界上最坚固的原子力显微镜(AFMS),用于聚合物科学研究。它从Cypeher AFM系列的课程领先性能开始,然后配置了额外的硬件和分析能力,以提供复合聚合物产品的纳米力学和地形信息。

Firstly, the AFM comes equipped with blueDriveTM光照激发。这一创新技术y eliminates artifacts associated with piezoacoustic excitation by directly actuating cantilevers through photothermal excitation. To achieve this, an additional laser is introduced to the system and focussed on the cantilever. Its power is modulated to drive the cantilever resonance thermal induction of stress. The result is a much cleaner, consistent, and more stable response for tapping mode imaging. This is ideal for polymer science research as it also provides more quantitative results for nanomechanical measurements of complex polymeric samples.

AM-FM粘弹性映射模式是增强聚合物科学研究的Cypher ES高分子版的第二个关键增强。它提供最快速的纳米机械映射模式,以确定样品的机械性能,线速率高达20 Hz。该模式可在宽模量范围内可操作〜50kPa-300 GPA,并且能够在高达250°C的温度下定量表征样品的储存模量(e')和样品的损耗正切(δ)。

The broad operating parameters of the Cypher ES Polymer Edition offer the unmatched capability for characterizing the viscoelastic responses of polymer samples.


Asylum Research是AFM的专家,具有以传统地形测量更改技术的能力来创新技术的轨道记录。我们推出了一系列能够测量材料科学样本的纳米力学特性的一系列彩色机构,其中潜在的应用阵列万博电脑网页版登录polymer scienceresearch fields.

Alongside quantitative assessments of the nanomechanical characteristics of a polymer sample, we provide AFMs suitable for quality control (QC) testing, layer thickness, uniformity measurements, photoconductivity assessments, and single chain polymer stretching.

If you would like any more information about our Cypher ES Polymer Edition, please do not hesitate tocontact us

